South Australia Aims for 100% Renewable Energy by 2027—What Does the Data Show?

Dan Datisky
September 3, 2024

South Australia’s push for 100% renewable energy by 2027 is nothing short of remarkable. From the numbers alone, you can see why the world is paying attention. In 2023, South Australia hit a 75% share of wind and solar in its energy mix, and in some instances, like on New Year's Eve, rooftop solar alone powered 101.7% of the state's demand for 30 minutes—a world record for a grid of this size.

Let’s break down the data:

  • Wind and Solar Share: The state’s current renewable energy share of 75% places it ahead of other leaders like Denmark, which reached 67%. This means South Australia is rapidly closing in on its 2027 target.  
  • Rooftop Solar Milestones: With over 50% of homes equipped with rooftop solar, South Australia can boast the highest per capita solar uptake globally. This not only contributes to local energy needs but reduces the reliance on interstate power grids.

Achieving 100% renewable energy is not just about generating enough power—it’s about storing that power for when it’s needed. South Australia's Hornsdale Power Reserve, famously known as the Tesla battery, was the world’s largest when launched, and more projects are in the pipeline to ensure that all that excess wind and solar energy isn’t wasted.

For homeowners, this is a huge opportunity. As energy storage and renewable infrastructure grow, homes with solar panels can benefit from cheaper energy during the day and feed excess energy back into the grid, making bills lower or even earning credits. And that’s where VoltaRocks comes in. By using the VoltaRocks app, you can optimise when you use electricity and even monitor your energy generation and savings in real-time.

If South Australia can hit its 100% renewable target, it could serve as a blueprint for other regions, showing how a combination of policy, infrastructure, and smart energy use can lead to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Source: The Guardian - "South Australia is aiming for 100% renewable energy by 2027"

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